Female Fat Loss Over 40

Are you interested in female fat loss? I know what it’s like to feel great in my own skin and I want you to feel your best too. This won’t happen unless you make it happen. I’m all about being pro-active to take control of your body and your life.


Female Fat Loss Over 40 is where you’re going to find all the answers to your questions regarding fitness and fat loss. I’ll show you how to shape your lifestyle so that your fitness journey is one that’s enjoyable and livable. Let’s create a positive spin, a snowball headed in the right direction to help you reach your goals.



You’ve come to the right place. I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to visit my blog. I hope that you stay, get informed and start living the life you want and deserve. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for and that you’re inspired to not only read, but to apply the information I’m so happy to provide.

And if you have a pressing issue that you can’t find answers to, please let me know. I’m here for you. Let’s build our community of readers to support and celebrate with each other. Female fat loss isn’t a mystery, let me help you navigate the issues.


Here are my top women’s fat loss tips to get you started:


Women’s Fat Loss Tip #1 – Get intense! Read the rest of Female Fat Loss Over 40

Posted in Healthy Eating by Shawna. 11 Comments

Fire Your Physio (simple shoulder pain solutions)

Aches, pains and niggles – we all have them.


I wanted to share a quick and easy shoulder release technique with you today and all you need is a small, firm ball.


Muscle releases are not fun – they can be quite painful.  But they WORK.


You can use either a spikey ball or firm ball to apply pressure.  One of the MOST common tight areas I see with my female clients is just behind the top of the arm near the crease of the armpit.


You can position the ball under your shoulder either lying down (as per image) or standing pressed up against a wall.

Infraspinatus release


Move the ball around and look for the ‘hot spot’, you’ll know it when you find it, trust me!  Take a big breath in and apply as much pressure as you can stand, exhaling strongly.  Hold for as long as you can and you should feel the ‘heat’ start to go out of the tight spot. Try repeating this for up to 2 minutes.


Anyone can do this, at virtually any time, even if you work in an office. Try doing this at least once a day, for up to 7 days if your shoulders are very tight.  Some of you may need to do this daily, depending on how physical you are or how round shouldered you are. Forget expensive visits to the physio, you can do this for yourself.


It’s not a comfortable release but it works like MAGIC.


Give it a go and let me know how it works for you.


You can find more practical, easy solutions for tight shoulders here.


>>Get your 6 Step System to Release Tight Shoulders


You simply follow the clear, concise videos and all you have to lose is your pain.

Shoulder Flexibility Solution
Posted in Workouts by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Fire Your Physio (simple shoulder pain solutions)

Best Ab Exercises For Women Over 40

“How do I flatten my tummy?”


This is the most common question I receive.  Hands down.


How we look obviously affects how we feel about ourselves.  Now this is a muddy area for a lot of women because we don’t necessarily have an accurate idea of how we actually really look, and hormones, the sssssssscales, and mood can drastically affect how we see ourselves at any given time.


But that’s a discussion for another day.


Now I’m assuming you recognize that nutrition is 80% of the battle to getting flat abs but for now let’s talk ab training.


One of my favourite ab moves, the stability ball jacknife, is designed to tighten your tummy, strengthen your core and promote overall body strength.  You only need a stability ball (cheap as chips these days) and you’ve got a wealth of awesome ab toning and core strengthening exercises at your fingertips.


In the video below you’ll see Liz who’s a long term client. After her retirement from work, Liz decided that she wanted to get into shape and feel fitter and more mobile.  She likes to travel both overseas and locally on her motorbike and as she turns 70 this year she is a shining example of consistency and commitment.  She never exercises like a crazy woman, but she just keeps showing up and regularly improving.  She’s never deprived herself in terms of food, she eats clean 80% of the time and she’s in great shape.


If she can do it….

The stability ball jackknife can be done by anyone.  Because you’re on your elbows there’s far less stress on shoulders and no strain in the wrists which can occur with a lot of other ab planking exercises.  Apart from resting on a bench or chair, you don’t need a heap of room or special equipment.  Yet, you’ll get more benefit from spending 60 seconds on this one exercise than doing hundreds of sit-ups and risking your back and neck.


Start by resting your elbows on a bench and using one leg (the other rests on the floor for balance) push the ball to a position under your shin. Adjust your weight so you feel balanced, brace your abs and then lift the second leg to rest on the ball.


Take a moment to find your balance and then gently roll your knees in towards your chest keeping your shoulders still.  Push your legs back into a straight plank position bracing strongly through your belly.


Slow is always better with this exercise.


Once you’re confident with your balance (and it’s all about confidence) try 12 slow reps.  Take a brief rest and repeat once more. And feel the burn!  Even beginners can do this exercise with practise.


Add these into your workouts 3 times a week or do them alone and you’ll feel stronger, more toned, and confident in no time


If you’re a beginner, or just want an achievable workout that lets you sweat, burn calories and get stronger at an modified pace then you need to check out this program.


With modifications, no impact options, full follow along workout videos, ab finishers, and nutrition guidance there is no reason for not getting started.  And there’s not a pullup or burpee in sight!


>> See how this program can get you well on your way to looking and feeling 10 years younger immediately.



Posted in Workouts by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Best Ab Exercises For Women Over 40

The Health Risks to Being Overweight


New research out of Sydney University shows that women aged 30-59 who are obese have a 19 times  greater chance of getting diabetes, four times the chance of getting high blood pressure and three times the risk of coronary artery disease compared to normal weight women. Read the rest of The Health Risks to Being Overweight

Posted in Mindset by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on The Health Risks to Being Overweight

Hot flashes? There’s a better way to work up a sweat

New research suggests daily exercise could be the best way way to combat distressing symptoms of the menopause


Laura Donnelly, Health Editor of The Telegraph in the UK, writes that hot flushes (flushes in the UK, flashes in the US) can be among the most distressing symptoms of menopause.   No surprises there ladies!


Here’s that article reprinted for your interest: Read the rest of Hot flashes? There’s a better way to work up a sweat

Posted in Workouts by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Hot flashes? There’s a better way to work up a sweat

10 Foods that fight stress (and belly fat)

Women should be issued with a button “in times of stress, release chocolate”!


The problem with most typical “comfort” foods that we turn to in times of stress is that the gratification is often short term, leaving us weighing heavier and feeling bad about ourselves and more stressed than when we started.


Apart from many hormonal consequences from increased cortisol levels that come with chronic levels of stress (and that’s most of us!), one of the most common is increased food cravings and those cravings tend to be for sweet foods.  However, the more sweet foods we eat, the worse our mood tends to get.

It’s a vicious cycle.


Here are 10 foods that will actually decrease cortisol levels and assist you in reducing the dreaded belly fat. Read the rest of 10 Foods that fight stress (and belly fat)

Posted in Healthy Eating by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on 10 Foods that fight stress (and belly fat)

Top Tips to Rescue Your Broken Metabolism

Shawna recently took part in an anti-aging fitness summit in Arizona and took the opportunity to meet up with Fat Loss expert Dawn Sylvester.  Dawn works with women who have tried for years to lose weight the “wrong” way resulting in low energy, a feeling of helplessness, and a broken metabolism.


Dawn’s plan Final Fat Meltdown can show you exactly how she eats and trains to look and feel YEARS younger than she actually is.  In this short interview Dawn gives her top tips for rescuing your broken metabolism. Read the rest of Top Tips to Rescue Your Broken Metabolism

Posted in Healthy Eating by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Top Tips to Rescue Your Broken Metabolism

Sorry if this offends you…

The weather forecast is for blizzard conditions and severe cold in the southern hemisphere and heat wave conditions in the northern hemisphere.


The very strong temptation with weather extremes is that we put our health and fitness goals on hold, waiting for the “perfect” time.


I hear so many people saying “it’s too hard to exercise at night/in the morning” – or “I don’t have any motivation” – or “it’s too cold/hot/windy/wet/dry”. Read the rest of Sorry if this offends you…

Posted in Mindset by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Sorry if this offends you…

Pilates Ab Finisher

Want to strengthen your core and back and get a toned stomach?  Forget crunches and sit-ups!  They not only won’t get you the results you’re after, you’re quite likely to hurt your back and damage your spine.

We want to build a strong core – that’s all the muscles, not just your “six pack” muscles (rectus abdominis) and we want all those core muscles to work together to stabilise the spine and provide strength and stability as the body moves and rotates around it.

We need to exercise the important core muscles that wrap around the torso, lie alongside the spine, and to the sides of the core. And that’s what you’ll get with this ab finisher –  a smarter way to train your abs as part of a full body workout. Read the rest of Pilates Ab Finisher

Posted in Workouts by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Pilates Ab Finisher

8 Ultimate Sleep Hacks

Looking and feeling your best can come down to something as simple as a good nights sleep.


Simple, sure!


But if you struggle to sleep through the night, you’ll know it’s not necessarily easy.


A good balance of stress management, exercise and healthy eating (this guide will help you)  will assist with good sleep and recovery.  Getting quality zzzzz’s makes for a happy, healthy you. Read the rest of 8 Ultimate Sleep Hacks

Posted in Mindset by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on 8 Ultimate Sleep Hacks

Bodyweight 30-30 Workout

Get off the treadmill and elliptical and try this fat burning, full body cardio workout.  You’ll work all major muscle groups and get a heart pumping workout regardless of your fitness level.  Modify movements to reduce impact if necessary, you’ll see those modifications in the video.


This is a fun cardio workout that’s suitable for all levels of fitness.


With only 30 seconds of work immediately followed by a 30 second rest there’s plenty of opportunity for recovery.  The rest periods are designed to allow you to quickly recover and then go hard in the next interval.  If you’re finding that you just don’t need the 30 second rest – well, you need to work harder! Read the rest of Bodyweight 30-30 Workout

Posted in Workouts by Lisa Bullock. Comments Off on Bodyweight 30-30 Workout