Holiday Workout Plans?

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier

Working out is a matter of ‘showing up’, day in and day out. It’s likely that your schedule will not magically open up an hour a day to add exercise; it will always be a bit of a struggle to find time. This is especially true as the holidays draw near. Remember that any healthy, intentional effort (no matter how small) made over the long run will help to maintain or improve your health.

How will you maintain and improve your fitness this upcoming holiday? Think about it! Please make plans to push yourself to workout whether it be at boot camp, in your basement or at a gym.

Any thoughts on how you’ll conquer the holidays? It’s a bit tough to fit your fitness program in over the holidays…anyone want to share their strategy to make it a weight-gain free month??

My job is to share my passion with you: I want health and fitness to be YOUR priority too. Let’s support each other so that we can look back over this holiday season and not have regrets.

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