Mar 10
So I thought I’d share a snippet of my workout that I did in Las Vegas. It was a quickie so I could get on with my conference and on with the fun.
It’s always best to plan ahead with regards to your training. You’ll get your workout in quickly without wasting time figuring out what to do. For me, it was a great workout and I felt energized to last the entire day (and the whole night too as it turned out-more on this later!).
PS If you need some great travel workouts, go here.
you indicated that a timer was needed. I wrote the exercises…how long do you do each? How many rounds did you do?
I use a Gymboss (www.gymboss.com) as a timer. I think for this workout, I did 30 seconds of work with a 5 sec transition. It depends on your fitness level. You can increase work time or rest times accordingly.
What if you’re in MENOPAUSE and nothing works?? I work out like this a minimum of three days per week and I log a total of 6-8 hours (with the other two or three days of workouts I get in) of training per week integrating HIIT, flexibility, and cardiovascular training. NOTHING moves a lb. I have a litte muscle definition in my arms and my legs, but my middle is like mush. I eat like an athelete as well! What do I do???? I did P90x even and I did not lose a lb. in a month! My calorie intake is around 1500, with carbs 40-50%, (veggies and fruits mainly) Proteins 30-40%, and fats at about 15-25%. I do not eat white stuff; sugar, flour, rice, etc. NO soft drinks, no fried foods. I went on Nutrisystems and GAINED 5 lbs in less than two weeks!
Thanks for any information you can share. I am 48, I weigh 140-145(It fluctuates like crazy), and I am ONLY 5 ft 2. My BMI is over 26, which is NOT good; my Body fat is well over 30 (32); and I am at risk for type 2 diabetes as I am predisposed. My fasting blood sugar runs around 108! My thyroid is normal. I found out I was vitamin D deficient a few months back so I am on 5000 IU daily now. I take:
B complex
Fish Oil
Vit D
Vit C
Testosterone (biodentical)
Estrongen (biodentical)
Progestrone (biodentical)
Recovery: Protein shake with over 40gr of protein after workout in evening
(I take a few other things but i am not where I can get to them right now).
I wish I lived there. I’d be in your gym begging for some help! I am on biodentical hormones and they’ve got me back to normal except for my weight and my freaking libido. I am studying for a doctorate in health education so I am a foundation for what I need to do. I also facilitate the operations at a wellness center and I teach exercise. It seems to work for others, but nothing affects me at all!
I am at wits end. Can you help me, please???
@Pudden: (I’m also going to email you directly to ensure you get this.)
A few things that jump out at me are;
-frustration beyond your breaking point- I totally understand this and I can see that you’re motivated to make efforts to make changes
-solid education-this is empowering and even tho you aren’t seeing results right now, the fact is, you can narrow things down more easily
-I wonder about how accurate your calorie count is- not to be rude or anything, but it seems with all your efforts that something should be moving (lbs or inches), do you weigh and measure food?
-I think that your evening protein shake may be too big. I suggest that you lower the protein to only about 20g, your body is likely only assimilating that amount anyway and the excess may not be used to your best advantage (can you add a little protein earlier in the day in your meals and snacks?)
-I’m in the process of adding a feature to my blog so that you can track your nutrition (see Sept 3 blog post), this may be something that interests you
Things to think about:
-how is your sleeping? are you sleeping?
-what is your stress level like?
I wish I had a magic pill for you. I think you need to work closely with your health practitioner to get those hormones and possibly cortisol balanced. It’s difficult for me to assess things from a far. I think your motivation to feel and look better is inspiring-use your frustration to fuel your search. Please stay posted and keep me posted!
-are you under a doctor’s care for the supplementing of testosterone/estrogen/progesterone?