Mar 10
I had an awesome time in Vegas for my Mastermind meetings with a great group of people. Is it just me, or have things changed since I was there last (when I was 13)? I won’t mention how long ago that was, but let’s just say it was a little while.
I was amazed at the LARGER THAN LIFE-ness of Vegas. Everything is overdone and huge, so much to look at, see, smell: I’m still on sensory overload.
Here I am with my mentors: Chris McCombs, Craig Ballentyne, Steve Hochman, Bedros Keuilian and Vince Delmonte.
We ended the meetings with in a VIP lounge at The Haze, a new club at the Aria. Snoop Dog performed and we celebrated two days of hard work with a lot of laughs. There are about 25 in our group and it was a great time to get to know each other outside of business.
I know this post has nothing to do with fitness or health, but I wanted to say that to be really healthy, you have to do some fun stuff. I tend to be too much business-on the blog in particular. I’ll try to add some fun, cuz I do have it, just don’t share it here.
So, step out of your comfort zone and do something different. You may be surprised at how energized and alive you’ll feel.
Vegas was definitely a change of pace for me, and now, I do have my own Vegas story…too bad it stays in Vegas…till next time!
Bedros we all had such a blast bro. You are one of the most generious dudes I’ve ever met… I know that VIP lounge bill you picked up was a small fortune… You are da man 😉
Thanks for the blog ‘hug’ Steve!