No Time to Train?

I wanted to share with you my situation that happened over the weekend. I know that we’re living parallel lives in many ways. We all have busy schedules and trying to get a workout in seems like an impossibility. On Saturday morning, I think I was in the car all morning until about 2 pm, starting with delivering my son to football, picking up my daughter, delivering her, and dropping her off somewhere else, then picking up my son, delivering him, going back and picking up my daughter…and on and on…then groceries, the bank, the post office…sound familiar?

How do I carve out a minute for my fitness?

Since I knew that the day would bring this sort of timing, I pre-planned. I knew that I only had about 30 minutes to get in and get on with my day. Luckily for me, I have a TRX that I love. To set my intervals and rest periods I used my Gymboss (you’ll find a link if you click and scroll down the page) .

Here was my plan:

  1. 3-4 min full body dynamic stretching warm up
  2. 5 min set 50/10 protocol: row, chest press, sprinter start right, sprinter start left, bicep curl
  3. 5 min set 50/10 protocol: atomic push up, suspended plank, single leg burpee right, single leg burpee left, squat jump
  4. 5 min set 50/10 protocol: T row, squat/row, bicep curl, chest press, tricep extension
  5. 5 min set 50/10 protocol: hip drop left, hip drop right, atomic push up, suspended side plank left, suspended plank right
  6. 3-4 min full body cool down stretches

For those of you unfamiliar with the TRX, you’ll find an invaluable resource here. You can check out the exercises and how the TRX works. (NOTE: I don’t make a cent from promoting the TRX, I just know how much I love it and it maybe a good fitness solution for you too.)

So, the moral of the story is this: you can always find time, even if it’s not a ton of it to fit in a workout. MAKE A PLAN ahead of time and SCHEDULE training time into your day. Time will never magically appear.

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