Oct 10
1. Smile, you’d be surprised how it can cheer you up.
2. Take 10 minutes daily to sit and reflect.
3. As you start your day, say to yourself, “Today I’m thankful for ________“ and also “my purpose is to ________today”.
4. Eat close the to the earth, that is, plant foods, not foods made in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds, and walnuts.
6. Try making three or more people smile in the day your goal.
7. Don’t let your energy go towards negative thoughts, gossip, or issues out of your control. Instead, focus your energy on the things you have control over and enjoy the moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a princess and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out credit card.
9. Come to terms with the fact that life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
10. It takes too much energy to hate some one, let things go.
11. Laugh at yourself, don’t take yourself so seriously.
12. There’s being right and being happy, chose to be happy.
13. If you don’t make peace and learn from the past, it will spoil your present.
14. You can never really walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, so don’t compare you life to others. Everyone has their own journey.
15. You are responsible for your own happiness.
16. Look at life’s little disasters as opportunities and ask yourself “in five years, will this matter?”
17. Learn to forgive.
18. Who really cares what other people think of you?
19. GOD heals everything–but you have to ask Him.
20. The only thing in life won’t change is the fact that life will change. Keep this in mind when things are good and when they aren’t so good, “this too shall pass”.
21. Your friends and family will take care of you when you’re sick, your job won’t. Don’t lose sight of them!
22. Appreciate all that you have. Envy is a useless emotion.
23. As you turn in each night, think of what you are thankful for and what you accomplished that day.
24. Don’t let stress get in the way of counting your blessings.
25. The best way to pick yourself up is to think of all the goodness in your life. If you have to, write them down and continually add to the list.
Thank you, all of the above really have a good effect on my being right now. It is often hard to motivate myself to excerise, yet I do it but even harder to not let others affect me emotionally. Thanlk you for always repeating the knowledge God has so often spoke to my spirit about. Again it is easier said then done but it’s sure is niice to know someone cares about my whole being and not just my waistline :>) I babysit for a two moth old and I look at his smiling face and wish life could be that simple again so I pray for him when he cries because it is just areminder that as we grow in life things get hardier and that’s why #20 will have to be first on my list as a reminder that there is a greater power then those who seek to hurt us… stay safe and many many thanks yous …
Thank you Shawna! This is a wonderful list. I shared it with my coworkers (giving you credit) and I am hoping some will read every word. Gossip abounds here sometimes…I don’t like that at all.
Number 10 stands out for me because I had such a hatred for someone (my kid’s stepmom) because she had been so hateful to me in the past, that it was affecting me physically. I would feel my blood pressure go up when I would just think of her. I began to realize my hatred for her only hurt me and although we don’t communicate, (once bitten, you stay out of the pin! hehehe!), I have forgiven her and I’ve let it go. I feel soooo much better and my life runs so much smoother. It was like a dark cloud lifted the day I decided to just let it go. Bless her heart–she has to live with the things she did and I know in my heart I have always respected her and tried to get along with her. I’m just glad it doesn’t bother me anymore and I wish her no hard (anymore), but only the best. 🙂
Thanks for the list. It all makes perfect sense.
Believing in Mind, Body, and Spirit Wellness,
I enjoyed the the list very much, especially today was an important day for me to get inspirational thoughts and messages. My eldest daughter has been watching her nan die of cancer all week to come to an end at 8am yesterday.
It is a complicated story but I had her at 17 and her father has not been a constant in her life until the last 2 years. He lives in England and did not make it back in time for the passing missing it by hours.
So with the 3 other small children at home 2 gbabes and a cousin thru marriage who is 45 that I care for with Cerebal Palsy and severe brain damage, life is not easy for me right .
To top it off I have always been blessed with a good figure until, medication, cancer surgery and i HAVE NO IDEA why else I am 220 now and cannot even look in a mirror. I avoid mirrors, windows, and people.
So Shawna I thank you soooooo much for the inspiration I woke up and found in my email today!
Hopefully, finally I can focus some time for ME!