Mistakes That Make You Fat

Are you making any of these 5 Major Mistakes
that thicken your waist?

Long boring cardio sessions that burn away muscle and slow your metabolism down?

I can’t stress the need for HIIT (high intensity interval training) for fat burning. It not only takes you a fraction of the time, but you’ll alleviate boredom as you get your body in shape.

No breakfast: the kiss of death for your metabolism?

Skipping breakfast or only eating two meals a day?You need to feed your body at regular intervals so that it knows that any energy coming in can be used rather than stored for a rainy day as junk in your trunk.

Buying expensive ‘ab machines’ or doing waist thickening crunches that are full of empty promises?

You’ll be surprised with the fact that one of the best movements for your ‘abs’ is a plank. There are several other far more effective movements than the crunch in fact.

Keeping your body in “sleep debt” and forcing it to store fat?

It will increase your body’s level of a protein called NYP, or Neuropeptide Y. This protein will decrease metabolism and increase appetite.

As well, sleep deprivation is related to lowered amount of substances called serotonin and dopamine,. You will crave carbohydrates when these levels are low

Taking ‘fat burning’ or appetite suppressant pills that only lighten your wallet, and not the scale?

There is no ‘magic bullet’ to fitness and fat loss. If there was, there would be a lot more people looking like super models out there.

Are you satisfied with how you look and feel?

Would you like a solution that will provide this in the first 28 days:

  • Toned arms, legs, thighs, and butt
  • Increased energy, strength and stamina
  • Faster Metabolism to burn more fat even at rest
  • Tighter, flatter abs which means a smaller waist
  • 3-10 pounds of weight loss
  • 3-5% decrease in body fat
  • Increased muscle tone and flexibility
  • Greater confidence and self-esteem
  • Decreased stress, tension, and anxiety
  • Increased sense of overall well being
  • Reduce cravings for fats, sugars, and junk foods
  • Sleep better at night and feel better all day long
  • Decrease back pain and discomfort
  • Lose the uncomfortable “bloated” feeling
  • Look and feel better in your favorite clothes

I’m not one to push my program onto anyone. I wouldn’t suggest it unless I thought it would be a solution to your problems. If you want results, you’ll get them. Simply follow the plan.

Why would you wait anymore? 


This is the LAST DAY that the Virtual 14 Day Fat Flush will be available. You’ll get a 14 day program with a workout emailed to you daily, along with a nutrition plan AND my Female Fat Loss Over 40 Ultimate Results package. You can’t beat the savings here!

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