From Couch Potato to Tri-athlete

Are you feeling like a couch potato? Feeling like you have no hope for feeling good in your own skin? Here’s one of my client’s story. I’ll bet you can relate. She’s a great example of someone who just made the decision to get fit and get her body back. I’m so proud to have been a part of her transformation. Take it away Kelly:

I’m probably like thousands of women who are unhappy with there weight and yet never seem to really get control over it.  I keep the pair of “skinny” jeans in my closet for the day that I am going to fit into them;  I avoid being in pictures and instead become the photographer;  I avoid the swimming pool at all costs… never to be seen in a swimsuit under bright lights.

I’d swear that this would be the year that I’d lose weight and get in shape;  the years would go by and instead of losing weight, a few pounds would be put on; and when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t like what I saw.  This was the cycle that I had been in.  I tried different exercise programs but I was never really committed and I made excuses like money to stop me from realizing my dreams.

I’m writing this blog today as I have had an amazing last year where I finally feel in control of my life and happier than I have been in a very long time.  Don’t get me wrong, I have an amazing husband, healthy and incredible children, an amazing group of friends, a supportive family, and a job that I love….and yet I was never completely happy due to my self image.

Over the last year, I have changed my diet and started exercising regularly.  I lost 30 pounds and become inspired to get into shape.  I became committed to an exercise program with Shawna’s Fit Body boot camp and have been going three times/week at 530 am for three months.  The early mornings were tough initially but I now feel energized by the workouts and I feel the changes as my body becomes more fit.

I have become so inspired by fitness that I signed up for my first sprint triathlon.  It seems crazy as I went from an overweight couch potato to a triathlete. I am not a runner, or a cyclist, and definitely not a swimmer so what am I doing???   For the past two months I have gone from my boot camp workout to the swimming pool to do laps.  I haven’t been swimming for about 30 years!  I cycle two days a week to work.  Exercise/being active has become just a way of living.

Crazy but if I can do it, anyone can.  I am 45 and have an new lease on life…it feels amazing.  Thanks Shawna for boot camp kicking me in the butt and starting me on the road to an amazing active life.  Kelly Bullivant

Let’s support Kelly with some encouraging comments! She’s a champ!

By the way, if you can’t get to me to train, but want a quick way to tone up before summer, check out my 14 Day Fat Furnace for a great at-home solution.

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9 Responses to "From Couch Potato to Tri-athlete"

  • Darlene says:
  • Mel says:
  • Kris says:
  • Karen Hagen says:
  • Chris Ireland says:
  • Cori says:
  • Errin says:
  • Judy Hill says: