You’ll be impressed by the quality of blog posts from my fellow bloggers on what’s new in shoes to feeling and looking your best after 40 to the latest tips on fitness and more. So, let’s get right to it! Go here to find all this cool stuff: http://www.blackcatplus.com/blog/we-are-pleased-to-host-the-fashion-flash/

Check out Kari at Fab Over Forty, this week she shares, how, “Cancer patients suffer from skin sensitivities and irritations with their various medications and treatments. Fab Over Forty shares information and reviews on a new skincare line Love Life Skin created by doctors for those with sensitive skin who still want skin care results.”

Next up: Tips on how to sleep through menopause by Staness Jonekos, Co-author of The Menopause Makeover.

And, are you as curious as I was with this title? Well, check this out!
Deb at No-Nonsense Beauty tries out the anti-aging hat.
Worn white yet? Here’s a few tips! The all white fashion trend is hot this spring. Can anyone wear the look, or will it make you look washed out? Find out what the Glam Gals think at Fabulous after 40.
And Catherine has some great shoes for you to check out! She says,“Hello shoe lovers! The Fall 2011 Nicholas Kirkwood shoes are amazing, check them out at Obsessed with Shoes.”
At Black Cat Plus, you’ll see the latest and greatest in Spring and Summer styles that can take you from the work to play and everything in between. Check out new styles from Simply Silk and Chalet.
Oh, and if you haven’t read my post about the couch potato to tri-athlete, then you’ll just have to check out this link to see it:
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on June 20, 2011 at 7:20 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Posted in Mindset by Shawna