Sucess Story – Monique

I run a Fit Body Boot Camp here in Calgary as many of you know. My camp is filled with amazing women. They may not know it, but they’re truly my rock. I look to them and their energy and motivation and I’m inspired.

This is how it typically goes: I kick their butts, their butts get smaller, they think it’s me that’s done the work when it’s really them, they give me praise. I best not tell them that it’s really this way: I kick their butts, I help them change their body and lifestyle, they inspire me to be a stronger and better person. I kick their butts some more…

Actually, it’s a pretty fair trade. I know that they love to hate me and I just plain love them.

I wanted to share a story about one of my campers who is truly an inspiration. Monique was a total NON-exerciser. A self proclaimed couch potato. Now she’s at boot camp more than me (I have trainers some days that take over so I can attend to my online coaching etc). Here’s her story…

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How long have you been coming to boot camp?

My anniversary has just passed – 1 year on June 1, 2012.  I started on a one month fat loss promotion and really thought that I would go for one month and that would be it.

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What did you do for fitness prior to boot camp?

Nothing more than walking my dogs (which didn’t even get my heart rate up).

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How often do you come to camp?

I try to come 5 days a week, and now with the new Saturday morning boot camps I can come 6 days a week.

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female fat loss over 40

   female fat loss over 40What have your results been? Weight? Measurements? Sleeping? Confidence? Outlook? Other?

For me weight and measurements have been the areas I have seen the most drastic results, (although I have recently gained some back due some medication I am taking).

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What’s the biggest surprise with attending camp?

How I am hooked on it!

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What’s your biggest fitness obstacle?

I hated exercise and have always hated it. I always found excuses not to go.  It was a real struggle to even sign up for boot camp to begin with.

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How has boot camp helped with that?

I saw a lot of results early on. I have to admit however, that lately I have been a bit discouraged with myself – I have been so busy that I have not been able to come daily, and the meds I am taking are hampering more weight falling off.

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Do you feel supported in boot camp?

I feel 100% supported in boot camp.  We are a family now and I look forward to it even though it’s at 5:30 in the morning.  All of the girls are great and I love that we are there for each other and we encourage each other.  We hold each other accountable for our attendance.

I also feel that Shawna and Tracy support me with everything I need, whether it’s tips on how to modify exercises if I happen to have an injury, providing me with some extra motivation if I am ever struggling, and encouraging words both during camp as well as follow up calls on my cell afterwards. Their concern with keeping me engaged means a lot. They also never cease to amaze me with their ability to come up with new and innovative workouts to keep us motivated.

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Do you feel comfortable referring friends to boot camp? Why or why not?

I have referred many friends to boot camp and will continue to do so.  My friends have seen my results and want that for themselves, so that is advertising enough.

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Do you plan on continuing with. Boot camp?

Absolutely, it’s a lifestyle I’ve learned to love and now and there’s no going back.

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What can we do to further meet your fitness and fat loss needs?

I need to get back on track with coming to camp five days a week so I can meet my weight loss goal of losing another 20 pounds by summer’s end.


I know I wasn’t asked this, but I’d like to add that boot Camp has changed my life. It has changed what my expectations of myself are, and I’ve started to believe that I really can achieve anything. Boot camp has made me believe in myself, which I’m not sure I ever did before.

Confidence has never been an issue for me, at any size, but I feel stronger, I stand taller, and hold my head up higher.  I smile more and I can actually FEEL MY CORE.  Yes, I said it.

It has given me motivation and strength that I didn’t know I had and for that, I can never thank my boot camp coaches, Tracy and Shawna, enough for your encouragement and your support and for boot camp itself.


If you’re in the Calgary area and want to give boot camp a try, email me at and we’ll get you set up. OR, go to and learn more.

If you can’t train with me in person, you can still train with me, check this out here and here.



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