May 14
Shawna K doesn’t use age as an excuse for belly fat.
Here she explains her new M2A method of training. Increase lean muscle tone to increase resting metabolic rate and do short intense workouts that create after burn.
Here’s a sample workout:
Do 30 seconds of work with a 5 second transition. Use the modifications if you need.
- sit outs (modify to mountain climbers)
- plank reach (modify to knees)
- prisoner squat jumps (prisoner squat without the jump)
- push up shoulder touch (modify to knees)
- prisoner reverse lunge (reverse lunge without arm position)
Repeat up to 6 times.
You can modify this and any other Challenge Fat Loss workout by shortening the work time, increasing the rest time and reducing the number of overall sets.
Challenge Fat Loss is scientifically based and proven. And this week, you can get all of Shawna’s M2A workouts and her Challenge Fat Loss Nutrition Tactics for half off.
Get your 20-minute follow-along M2A workouts here <== Half OFF