Dec 09
Angela’s Tiramisu LOL!
60 seconds of cardio followed by 40 seconds active recovery:
- Skipping (100)
- Dumbell Deadlift (20)
- marching/running on the spot (100 steps)
- Dumbell Chest Press (prone) (20)
- suicide sprints (10)
- Tricep Dip or DB over head press (20)
- jumping jacks (100)
- Knee-Ins (20)
- fast feet (100)
- Plie Squat (20)
- Angela’s variation of the twist (which kind of looks like the drunk uncle at a wedding-LOL) Or skipping (100)
- Roman Get up R/L (10 each side)
- marching/running on the spot (100 steps)
- Calf/Toe Raises (40)
- suicide sprints (10)
- Side Plank (left)
- jumping jacks (100)
- Side Plank (right)
- fast feet (100)
- Curtsy Lunge (10 per side)
**If you prefer not to time do the number in the bracket**
Okay, who can top this? Come on…at least comment for me!
I love this one!! I’m totally going to do this when I get home!!