Feb 10
My friend and colleague, Lisa Taylor, had some more helpful advice regarding bloating:
If you notice that you are having a lot of bloating when eating bread or pasta, this is a sign that your body does not like flour. It could be a mild food sensitivity/allergy, a gluten intolerance or a Candida albicans (yeast overgrowth) issue or even a that your stomach isn’t producing enough stomach acid (HCl). 80% of people over the age of 30 have low stomach acid, yet another thing that declines as we age!
What I would suggest to you is that you cut out flour products for 2-3 weeks to see how you feel. Then, after 2-3 weeks, try flour products again and see how you feel. If you notice that same reaction then you would be best to cut flour products out completely.
To be more precise with your condition, you could consider having an iridology and sclerology assessment done, where your iris (colored part of the eye) and sclera (white part of the eye) would be analyzed. These two assessment tools can tell things like food sensitivities, lack of vitamins or minerals, sugar metabolism issues, hormone imbalance and many other health related information. (BTW, I had an assessment done by Lisa, and it was very informative!)
If we eat foods and have bloating, gas, headaches, excess thirst or tiredness, these are all signs that the foods we just ate do not agree with our body! It sounds like your body is very strongly telling you that it doesn’t like flour or gluten.

Yeah for your charity bootcamp…it is one of my top favorite charities so I will be there…I’ve already recruited two friends via my facebook status. Can’t wait to feel the burn early tomorrow morning!
Thanks Shawna, as of today I will try to not eat bread and pasta for two weeks and then see what happens when I do. I usually have all the symptoms after I eat flour related prducts. Wish me luck and I will let you know what happens. Thanks for the info on bloating.
I’ve tried various low-carb, low-calorie, and low-fat diets for the past couple of years. Although the Atkins diet is very popular, it made me feel somewhat unhealthy.
The diet plan I’m on right now is the Medifast Diet. The caloric intake is roughly 800-1000 calories. However, it doesn’t make my body feel weak. It is a bit of a pricey diet, but there are plenty of coupons available on the internet (i.e. http://www.swoopup.com/stores/deals/Medifast-Diet). You should never pay full price.
My advice is just choose a diet plan which your body reacts positively to. No one knows your body better than you do!
Jennifer is quite right that each person needs to find the right nutritional plan that works for them. There isn’t a ”one size fits” all in terms of diet although there are some universal principles of healthy eating that apply to everyone. The key to healthy weight maintenance is the consistent application of these nutritional principles.