Hurricane Sandy Workout

Natural disasters.

I guess you can’t really plan for them can you? My bad for heading east without checking into the upcoming weather in the area. I had meetings planned and didn’t even think twice about getting on a plane from the relatively safe but cold temperatures in Canada.

I was on the East Coast when Hurricane Sandy came a knockin’.

Wow, talk about an unwelcome guest. I was fortunate to basically be unaffected by the devastation, but I have to say I’m glad I was able to witness it. Just seeing things first hand, talking to so many good people that lost everything, has given me a new perspective. I feel so fortunate in so many ways.

My flight was cancelled twice. There was little decent food and water to be found, but guess what? These are pretty small things when you consider the massive loss many others are experiencing.

Call me crazy, but in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I still felt the need to train. I was stuck in a hotel with limited internet and cell coverage. I had to do something. The news was full of depressing stories with the odd story of hope.

My best defense was the limited hotel gym:

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Here was my plan:

I did 5 sets of 45 seconds of work with a 10 second transition with these exercises:

-jump rope
-spider push ups
-prisoner squats
-DB row left
-DB row right

Repeat 5 times

I never travel without my jump rope and gym boss and then I can usually make do with whatever I can find:

female fat loss over 40

This gave me a full body workout and a little sanity in the wake of craziness. A welcome mental break.

All the best to all the good people on the east coast, your fortitude and strength is inspiring.

Never miss a workout with my travel workout plans. You’ll get 20 ‘done for you’ easy to follow workouts HERE.

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