Nov 13
I’d have to say that my feelings were hurt by what an ‘ex’ wrote me.
I say ‘ex’ because she’s now an ‘ex-reader’. I can only guess that this person probably has some of her own issues unrelated to me, but it still is a little disheartening.
*Read from the bottom up on the string of emails
She sent this email after reading the tips that I posted in 8 Tips in NYC. (Click on the link to take you to that post.)
My thought is that this comment from this person is a little cowardly. It’s easy to be critical behind a keyboard. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on the subject. My purpose is to provide helpful tips and advice. My assumption is that’s why you’re here.
Any advice you can offer me to support YOU further is much appreciated.
Make sure to let me know how you feel about ‘Barb’ and her emails in the comment section…
She has issues. Wow…don’t let her steal your joy.
Wow, do you think that’s the fat talking? I think she’s had to much to eat… lol
Sounds like Barb is fighting some demons.
Obviously this woman has major issues that are unrelated to your site. Consider the source and move on.
I am a subscriber and love to get your workouts and newsletter!
Keep up the good work!
Well isn’t Barb just a peach!!!
Apparently her issues are more than healthy eating and exercise.
You offer people great inspiring ideas and tips – it’s there choice if they want to read and act upon them.
Keep up the good work, you inspire me and many others, don’t let negative comments interfere with what you do, cause you do it so well!!!
As for Barb – well – you just can’t by class!!
Hey Shawna,
You gotta remember, you’re pretty much a celebrity and with that comes lovers and haters… who will make sure you know it! This woman clearly subscribed to the wrong site. She needs to address mental health issues before hitting a physical transformation. In a respectful note, many of us have gained weight due to some internal factor, whether it be mental or perhaps medical. Before anyone engages in this, they really need to analyze whether they are getting into something they can handle physically but more importantly on a deeper level. I’m sure after she sent you that email, she raided the fridge and pantry. Not fair to take out her personal issues on you, but you need to remember what got her here. The email is a great reminder to me to control my emotions…because that’s just embarrassing behaviour. I would have sent her a pasta recipe or two and wished her the best. I appreciate your emails and even understand the upsell that you have going with other affiliations as I’m sure they do as well to their customers. We cannot assume all people are intelligent and I mean specifically in business. Although you are here to help people, you don’t want to be doing so in a cardboard box. We all need money to survive and most of us strive to push that line of comfort to as far as we can. To finish I want to add that I love your workouts. They are perfect, no gym and using the body God gave us to strengthen our muscles and hopefully lose fat. They can be intensified or modified. And with many to chose from, they never get boring. Hope you have a better day!
I have not written anything that nasty I simply said I was and still am disappointed with the content I purchased and wish to not only unsubscribe but, refund my purchase. I haven’t heard a word since, maybe I should have been a “witch” like her.
Shawna –
So sorry that you received such a response. Surely you didn’t deserved that, Unfortunately some people are just unhappy and often ‘misery loves company’. Pray for that ex reader. She is definitely going through something and isn’t mature enough to not spread her disdain to others.
Be encouraged that you are spreading good healthy advice – some are ready to receive and some aren’t.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience in NYC with your daughter, with us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Obviously this person has issues. You were correct in unsubscribing her. We all take parts of the advice we can live with and discard the rest…no harm no foul.
The Internet seems to give some people license to be rude and unkind.
I enjoy your advice.
Don’t get stressed with this kind of people!!
You’re sooooooo much better than her…
Probably a miserable and fat ENVY person!
Blessing and regards,
I think Barbara was having a bad day and took it out on you.
Sometimes fitness pros make it look a little too easy and that is frustrating to many.
I can’t say you did anything wrong. If people don’t want to hear what u have to say then they should unsubscribe as you suggested.
All you can do is be you. If the haters had their way you would be lazy and miserable like them.
I don’t see this as your problem…clearly it’s her issue.
WOW!!!!!!!! Haters!!!!!! Jealousy and envy make people do and say stupid things….
Do not let this person unnerve you…..that’s what she was hoping for and obviously she has to have the last word…..she needs to control something, RIGHT? she does not have control of her eating habits or exercise …… so conversational control is all she had left…..I am NOT perfect in my eating habits……I love all the information you give us…..and I am thankful for all the hard work you do for the rest of us….you are an inspiration to me and countless others….
She actually doesnt even deserve this much attention. I would personally not give it another thought….
Wow. My first point is that you were SO not out of line in any way, and you handled the situation perfectly by (a) unsubscribing her in a professional and neutral way, and (b) opening up a public dialogue about this nasty, nasty business of Internet trolls and haters (although the troll in question here will probably get some sick satisfaction over knowing that he or she got under your skin). The unfortunate truth is that putting yourself out there online means that you WILL encounter trolls and haters. They’re an Internet reality, as much as that truth sucks. Even the most beloved and noncontroversial online personalities have huge “followings” of trolls. I personally don’t understand the motivation and energy behind trolling, even though I have read a lot about the psychology behind it. All you can do is OWN what you’re putting out there (and it’s so worth owning!), and focus your energy on the people who follow you for all of the RIGHT reasons. Let it wash past you as if you’re a boulder in a river. Think about how sad these people’s lives must be: They probably feel this way about multiple aspects of their lives and the things that they encounter on a daily basis. You can get away from these people by not letting yourself engage with them–but they have to live with themselves 24/7. That is tragic. You, on the other hand, are awesome. Signed, one of your readers who values your message and your attitude. xo
Hey Shawna,
She obviously is not feeling too good about her self. When you love yourself you are happy for others when they do well. I thought your tips were great and also any one who thinks its easy for you or anyone to take such good care of yourself, especially when its easy not to, like on vacation, is mistaken. If she didnt like it she could just delete it. Sorry that you were hurt when you are just trying to help.
Hope the rest of your day is good.
Hey Shawna,
I wouldn’t worry about Barb’s comments. Sounds like she has issues of her own. Some people can’t help themselves and just have to spread their verbal diarrhea everywhere. She sounds a little jealous too.
Help those who are interested….cut the rest loose.
Just my opinion….
My support team has tried to refund your purchase but is having difficulty finding your purchase. It seems that you didn’t use this email so it’s difficult to search. Could you please provide the email you used for purchase and/or your receipt and we’ll gladly refund you.
Life, and being over weight never ending for me… Keep up the good work Shawna….
I have learned over the years that people who eat healthy and exercise make other people feel guilty. This is the way we choose to live our lives. If they don’t like it, then they should just mind their own business. You should hold your head high and be proud of who you are and what you believe in!!
Shawna – You don’t need to feel badly about doing your job – which is to set an example of excellence example for the rest of us. You are the coach/teacher and we are the students. That is what people pay you for. Sharing suggestions for self-improvement is what you do. Taking in as much as we can is what we do. Unfortunately, there are people who cannot handle the success of others. Don’t let that poison get you down.
Sounds like she either totally missed the point of your post or she’s holding onto a lot of anger. She needed to lash out at someone, guess you were the “lucky one”. That’s too bad. She’ll miss some good stuff.
Shawna, you were not out of line in any way. Since I am in the fitness business too, I am all too familiar with clients (in your case, readers) who blame their lack of intrinsic motivation on us. Rather than feeling inspired when we share strategies that work for us, this type of person feels jealous and angry. It’s not about you — it’s about her. But it surely would have hurt my feelings too! Gina
Sounds like sheer jealousy if you ask me. Its unfortunate she doesn’t know the real Shawna, the kind, caring gentle and giving person that you are. Her negativity is truly unfortunate for her as she carries that around like a black cloud. Put this situation into a balloon and wave good bye. Its people like you Shawna that help others keep focused on good health.
Shawna: i would not worry about her comments….. You can tell she does have some issues, and perhaps unrealistic expectations as well. Personally I love what you do, I love receiving all your tips, exercises and your whereabouts too. keeps me motivated and reminds me all the fun we had in our Boot Camps/Circuit training many years ago.I miss Calgary and with all your comments helps me stay in touch too.
Take care
Hey Shawna, sorry you had to get that kind of treatment. Life online is pretty risky because anyone can say anything in complete anonymity, hurting others while knowing that they are untouchable. So, I say just forget about it, don’t waste any emotion on it, move on. In Italian they say, “chi mi ama, mi segue” which means “those who love me, will follow me.” And the rest can just (bleep) off! 😉
Aww.. Shawna, don’t sweat the small stuff. What you do is inspiring for many of us ladies. Just continue doing you what your doing.
Yes this ex reader has problems…however, you should not involve us…it takes away from the professionalism…
Just a quick observation, you didn´t say no carbs, you said no starchy carbs and no bread.
She is going to be very busy over the next few YEARS if she is going to attack all the healthy folk that blog or post on the internet.
I personly love reading your blog, and one day, I will get over to Canada to take part in one of your boot camps!!