My good friend and mentor, Craig Ballantyne has a ton of knowledge I love to tap into. If you need workout ideas, he’s definitely a ‘go to’ person. If you don’t have an ‘at home’ program, then I highly recommend his. My home program is awesome too, but you can’t have enough resources, especially at […]
Are your knees sore? Are you avoiding certain exercises due to sore knees? Many of my clients avoid squats and lunges completely and I’m here to say you’re making a mistake. Thankfully, I’m not the only one who thinks this. My good friend and exercise rehab specialist, Rick Kaselj and I agree. Incoming […]
Here is a gym workout that Krista & I did while we were on the road in California this past weekend. Since it was not exactly the Sunny Cali that we were hoping for, 🙂 and the rain was coming down in buckets, we hit the hotel gym which was really nothing special to write […]
Poor Krista should have known better than to travel with me. It all sounded dandy that I was taking her to sunny California for a conference…little did she know what she’d be in for… But she’s a great sport and was more than game for this super full body workout that you can do ANYWHERE! […]
Are you a soccer mom? Hockey mom? Swimming mom? In other words, do you sit in bleachers for any amount of time watching and waiting for someone special (your child) to do their thing? This seems to be a common issue with many of my clients. You spend all your time driving your kids all […]
I’ll be the first to tell you that you need to consult an expert when it comes to your fitness and fat loss program. And I’ll also say that you’ve found the best: me. I know that’s a little arrogant, but seriously, I am the best at what I do and that’s why you’re on […]
Can you do a pull up? Not even many men can do a pull up. Wouldn’t it be super impressive to be able to hit the play ground with your kids and knock off a few? The key to learning how to do a pull up is to work the ‘eccentric’ contraction. That is, help […]
Can you beat a bikini workout? I”m super impressed with my clients for stepping up to the challenge to ‘train anywhere’! It started with the ‘airport workouts’. Then Kelly asked strangers to take pictures of him doing push ups in London Square. And now my super assistant, Krista, is turning heads in the […]
Don’t Let Knee Pain keep you from reaching your fitness goals. Below in the video is my good friend, and Knee Expert, Rochelle. She walks us through 2 great exercises that can be done anywhere. Incoming fat loss search terms:knee pain cartooncartoon knee painCartoon Kneeknee hurts cartoon
The challenge is on! Who can beat super camper Kelly Scott? Here’s something to do while you are in London! One of my long time campers, Kelly was so inspired by my airport workouts that he took it a step further & asked complete strangers to take pictures of him doing different exercises while traveling […]